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1 minute read  |  Posted: 14 June 2023

Bring in more orders with dish photography

Food prep

What you'll get from this article:

Tips on how to make your menu stand out
Reasons why you should upload dish photography

Why should I upload dish photography?

  • Menu items with dish imagery are four times more likely to be added to the basket.
  • Our recent research showed that 42% of customers tried a new restaurant because of the photography.
  • Once a menu item has a photo, it will receive an average of 16% more orders.
  • We found that 38% of customers tried a new dish because of the photography.

Our Top Tips

Use the best quality camera you have

A digital camera is better than a smartphone, but you can still get great pictures if you only have a smartphone available. Make sure it doesn't exceed 10MB.

Show a single dish or item only

Don't include extra sides for example that won't come with the item.

Take the picture in natural daylight or a well-lit room

Don’t forget to use consistent background across your photos.

Make sure the food is fresh and looks ready to serve

Display the food in takeaway containers or on regular plates. Just wipe away any drips or mess and make sure they’re clean.

Ensure the image is in focus and brightly lit

Any images uploaded that are fuzzy may not be approved.

Don't show text over the image and don't include people or hands

Let the food or item do the talking.

Learn how to take great food photos