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1 minute read  |  Posted: 24 November 2022

Food waste costs you money

Food prep

What you'll get from this article:

Understanding the types of food that most go to waste
Vary portion sizes to give more choice

Do all your main meals need to come with chips or salad? Many customers don’t think so.

Food waste costs the UK hospitality and food service sector an estimated £3.2bn every year. The majority of the food waste happens in the customer’s home, with rice and chips being the most wasted takeaway food ingredients. 

If your restaurant can learn to reduce food waste, not only will you help the environment, you’ll save your business money in the long run too.


Reduce your waste size

Offer different portion size options (especially with rice and chips which often go to waste) so that customers can choose the amount of food to suit their appetite. 


Give customers more choice over what to include or leave out of their meal to stop any food going to waste. Perhaps people would prefer to be given a choice between fries, vegetables or salad, or maybe these items are best left on the ‘side dishes’ part of the menu for customers to purchase if they really want them.


Read the Just Eat Hubbub Food Waste Race report to find out more about customer attitudes to takeaway leftovers and food waste.