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1 minute read  |  Posted: 24 November 2022

The rise of meat-free deliciousness


What you'll get from this article:

Vegan and vegetarian sales are still rising
Some ideas to broaden the appeal of your menu

Widen your menu, widen your audience

Vegans, vegetarians, flexitarians…preferences have changed. Maybe your menu should too.


A recent study conducted by Quorn and the Sustainable Restaurants Association showed that around 40% of people in the UK are deliberately consuming meat less frequently. 

Similarly, our own research shows that around 30% of customers on Just Eat eat more vegan or vegetarian meals now than they did 5 years ago.

And, according to Google's 'year in search' report 2021, Google searches for “vegan food near me” experienced a 5,000% increase last year. You get the picture? 

The vegan and vegetarian Pound is ready to be spent and it’s a market well worth investing some time and thought into serving meat-free alternatives. Start by thinking which of your dishes could be made in a version without meat, maybe by substituting a meat alternative, or even a tasty and filling vegetable like cauliflower. 

It could be the start of a profitable and eye-opening journey which ever more people are turning on to.